25 April, 2012

giving thanks.

like i said in a previous post, when i was thinking about what to "lent" i couldn't think of anything besides chocolate... and really that's not even a struggle right now as the chocolate here is not even that good, and it isn't in the house.

so i thought that the lent season of 40 days, to best prepare my heart for Easter, i would jot down 10 things that I am thankful for, trying not to repeat any.  So i put a large piece of white paper on my door, and every night i jotted down {at least} 10 things i was grateful for.
it was a discipline for me (especially when you are just snuggled up in bed, and you remember you forgot to write!) and it really called my heart to be more grateful: something i'm really learning i need to be more of.

Easter in Peru was so wonderful.
 i feel like my heart was prepared to worship
and be in awe of the great sacrifice on the Cross...
which the center of Christianity.

By his wounds, I am heal.
Thank you Jesus.

side note: 
i still have it up, it's a good reminder to me, 
and it's fun to look back even to the end of february 
and see how the Lord was faithful and gracious.

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