26 March, 2012

i have a dream...

In light of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, my sweet niece Myli had to write her "I have a dream..."

As she is just learning how to write, anything kids write at that time is so stinkin' cute.
I talked to my sister a couple weeks ago, and she told me about this project that Myli had to do, and she saw it in the hallway at Myli's school.  My sister, Alison, didn't know that Myli had to do this project, or what she wrote.

Much to her surprise, and mine, this is what Myli wrote:

"I have a dream that I can sped mor tim with my Anee"

Talk about filling and breaking an Auntie's heart at the same time!!!
I miss her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO precious!! Oh....so sad. :) - Amanda