19 November, 2006

...like waves hitting the shore

That's right...I think I've actually hit it.
Little by little it creeps up on you. The differences in Culture you notice, and simply exclaim inside, "well that's different..." come like waves hitting the shore. Of all of the changes I've undergone, and all the things I've notcied are just simply "different," I hit a point where I have concluded that it actually was affecting me in a way. The defining point was yesterday at breakfast, and it came in the form of Peanut Butter. A very minor incident, that makes me laugh now, but yesterday at breakfast I was kinda frustrated and very...well... shocked!
I'm learning the difference and importance of knowing that things are 'different' and not 'wierd.' What's not usual for us in North America, here it is common sense and very routine in many ways. And when I was telling Chuck about some of the things, he advised me that I will find that this is how they do things, and some thing I will find we have a better way of doing them in North America, and many other things I will notice that they actually have a better way of doing things here due to their culture. So as I deal with the waves that frequently come my way, I thank you for your thoughts and prayers!


Miriam said...

hey girl

may god bless you in your ministry. keep desiring him and draw near to him and he will draw near to you. i am goign through the same cluture shock thing, it's encourgaing to hear you write that. take care

Love Mir

Taryn said...

Hey there Annie, I was just looking at your blog while you were looking at mine. I miss you but I am glad to see updates on your blog about how you are doing...hopefully I will finish this silly degree sooner than later and be down there with you! Love you lots, thanks for checking out my site!

Anonymous said...

That must be amazing to be able to learn so many new ways of doing things! I am so excited for you that you can have those experiences! Have a very happy Thanksgiving! love you girl!

danielle said...

I love that it came through peanut butter! hahaha... that's pretty funny. But just think, in 10 months you get to go through it all over again, coming back into American culture... only it won't be nearly as "shocking"