A few weeks ago I got an opportunity to go to Bribri, a town that's a 5 hour bus ride (or so they say). A couple that attends my church that I attend here, San Francisco de Dos Rios Alianza Cristiana y Misionera, headed up a church in Bribri.... well not in Bribri the town itself, a mile down the beaten path... in the jungle! :)
Ashley and I (my loyal adventure pal) jumped on a bus Saturday morning, and destined to arrive in Bribri at 3ish.... well, I learned a lot about the culture- again!-- and because of a crash that happened in the moutains, we were at a dead stop for about 3.5 hours. A good deck of cards came in handy, and we eventually made it to Bribri around 7 ish. Whew!
So instead of attending the Bible study that was to happen that night with the women in the village, since the couple was late due to the crash as well, we just chatted for a bit, and went to bed. It was very rustic, and I wish I would have taken pictures of the house that the couple rents. Ashley and I snuggled into the twin size bed, and tried to get a good night sleep. Again, another experience, as I couldn't sleep due to the bats above my head that wouldn't stop chattering... but I made it through the night! There's a roof on the house, but where the trusses support the roof there is nothing attatching the walls to the roof, so it's all open (for there very import airflow in houses). I felt a lot stronger when day broke, hehe.
All of that aside, the next morning is what we had been waiting for, to meet the people, see the church and see how God is working in that village!!!

This is a picture of the church. The part on the left, the patio that has a roof, was added on by a volunteer group this last summer, and all the people in the church were extatic, because they didn't have to cram into the house part any more. The only thing they asked was that they could have chicken wire around the outside to keep the chickens and dogs out!! hehe.
The church mainly ministers to children, and some women. Men don't really go because they feel like it's a womens outing on Sundays.
To say the least, it was very eye opening, and humbling.
Those kids steal your hearts for sure. When Ashley and I were leaving one little boy followed us to our house to get our stuff, and with this sad look in his eyes asked us when we were going to come back. Ashley and I were moved. I think I'll be going back this summer for sure when another group comes to do some more work.
It was a very touching experience.