On January 24th, I got a special visit by BOTH of my parents!! After much talk about it, I wasn't for sure it would happen until the tickets were bought, but to much of my surprise they both came!!! Marlan hadn't vacationed since my parent's cruise in '94, and my mom applied for her passport 5 years ago with Alison and me, but this was her first chance to use it! With just five short days in their visit, I was determined to show them as much as possible, and have a marvelous time in doing that!!

After they arrived (a little late!) from Miami, we went to the hotel (getting scammed along the way.... part of culture, right?), we tuckered in for a night of chatting and all that good stuff.The first thing on the agenda in the morning was to head to the Britt Coffee Tour with my directors Chuck and Robbi. The tour was AMAZING!!!! We all had so much fun, and learned so much about coffee, and laughed a lot at our tour guides in the process!

After the tour and a wonderful 'typical' lunch, Chuck and Robbi brought us to a t-shirt factory where my parents bought their Costa Rica shirts, and the we all got a free one too!! Pretty great. Then we went into downtown San Jose and walked around, and did the tourist shops, and then headed back to Chuck and Robbi's house where they put us up for a night (such a HUGE blessing!!).
Next on the agenda was the beach!
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