My gringa friends and myself went to San Pedro to hit up the Jazz Club there! Malpais played, and Ashley snatched a few of the last tickets right before they sold out, they're pretty popular, and we could see why... they were GREAT! They were more of a folk band, but very talented, and put on a good show.
This is Jessi, Kerri, Ashley and me.... Ryan showed up later, that's why he wasn't in the pictures. We all had fun telling stories and just hanging out!
Hey Sis- I hear you took the parents on all sorts of adventures :) I am glad it all went so well. Love you much!! Nik
Hey Annie--
I just saw your posting on my blog! i feel like a stalker too cos i've been reading your blog, lol.
we're in MJ, i'm finishing my degree at B'Crest still.
i really enjoy your blog, by the way ...especially your pictures...it looks so warm there, i bet you're not missing the -40 in saskatchewan!!
take care!!
candice rempel
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