23 July, 2012

apartment living :)

The Lord blessed me with a space of my own, but really it is going to be a space for many others!

This apartment is a work in progress, but I can't wait to make it more "home-y"... with time, and as the Lord provides.

First on the list to buy: a stove/oven, fridge and washer.
Next: furniture, plates, shelves, paint the floor..... and the list goes on there!

Here's a sneak peak at a look of my apartment:
(the dog is the owner's - who lives on the 1st floor.  The dogs have not visited since... which is okay with me)

Front door and the two bedrooms on the left - Look at that big window!
From the front door lookin' in (cue country song!)

Kitchen sans appliances

back patio/bathroom

Lessly helped me clean that night, and we had a little snack at my new table when we finished!

I've been in my apartment for a week now, it's so nice to live so close to the church!
I'm hardly home actually!
But I will continually add more pictures as I am able to buy some new furniture and appliances.

Home sweet home :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It must be so good to have a place of your own, congratulations! I think you can say "home sweet home" in spite of not being in your country because I am sure you also have friends who love you here.