27 December, 2006

a Christmas to remember.

This Christmas season I was very excited to do something different. Since last Christmas, I wanted to get away for a Christmas and experience a new culture and really just get away from the comercialism. It was really on my heart to serve this holiday season, and I was open to where God wanted me. I searched for opportunities, and prayed a lot about it. A lot about it.

So... I bet you, the blogging world, is dying to know where God had me serve this holiday season. Well... the truth is, I guess I would like to know where I served as well.

Let me explain.
I came to Costa Rica on a 3 month visa, and it was going to expire on January 3rd, so it was time to flee to another country for a few days, and acquire a new stamp. I found some friends who were in the same boat, and we packed our packs and set out to Panama for a big adventure!
We left on Monday, December 18th, and it was in the plans to make it back by December 24th, around 2am via bus. This was perfect for me, because the comedor that I have helped at in the past was having a huge festival with 400+ kids, and definately needed my help!
This festival was supposed to be the Saturday before (the 18th), but got switched to the 24th afternoon.
So on the bus ride down to Panama City, I was thinking about my desire to serve on Christmas, and I found myself PRAISING God for the change in date of the Comedor Christmas party, because that would mean that I actually would get to serve on Christmas!! It made me smile, and stand in awe yet again, of God's awesomeness!

The realization that I just came to was abruptly shaken when we arrived at the bus terminal and received the news that we would not get to take the bus that we thought we were going to, but instead one that left 12 hours later. I was, and still am, pretty choked, but I trust in the promise that,

"all things work out for the good of those who love him and have been called according to His purpse [Romans 8:28]"
We went on and had a wonderful time in Panama City (posts to come).
On the 20 hour bus ride, apart from trying to get a good nights sleep, I also did some good thinking.
Why would God not have me serve, when I was willing to go where He called? I was open to anything, ready to go? Did I not look hard enough? Did I miss His calling?
I seeked God more in this, his word, through prayer and reading of other books, and I came to this conclusion:
The book I am reading named, "Experiencing God," was so timely in the chapter I had just read. It's last chapter was just about how when you don't know where God wants you, and where He's called you to minister, take that time to focus on your relationship with Him and fall more in love with Him. Be attentive to all the work that He is doing around you, and when He calls, join Him in His work.
I don't know if any of this makes any sense at all? But I learned a lot this past Christmas, a lot about being content and how to seek God in midst of confusion.
Christmas Eve is the day we got back, at 5 pm. I went for a dinner at my host mom's sister's house with the whole family. We chatted until 11pm or so, came back and I watched them exchage gifts. Christmas cheer was in the air. On Christmas day I enjoyed lunch with my family here, and went to my director's house for dinner with their family. All was wonderful, and lovely, and great.
Not too much to report, nothing super amazing, or super wierd happened, it is just a Christmas I will remember and cherish.
I did in fact get a break from all the American commercialism in a sense. But Costa Rica is very commercialized for sure. The abscense of family and close friends was the hardest, along with no snow.. :)
Along with fellowship and eating of good meals, I also was able to spend a lot of time reading the Christmas story, reflecting on the most perfect gift that was given. How wonderful, magnificent, and simply amazing it really is.

Merry Christmas to all out there, may your holidays be joyful and blessed by our Heavenly Father above!

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