Okay, so on Monday Edwin (my host dad) held up rotten bananas and told me I was making banana cake that night. haha, My pleasure to do for sure, and I'm so glad they like my baking! SO...let's rewind a little bit. That morning I ate breakfast alone and set the bread that I didn't eat on the counter. Later that morning I walked by and decided to put it away because the ants are pretty bad, and to my surprise a mouse ran off of the plate and under the cubbords! Eeek! Whatever, so I threw the bread away. Then my host mom got back and I told her about it, and she just laughed and kind of made fun of me that I was scared of it, but really I was just telling her why I threw the bread away (they waste NOTHING here!, so I knew she would be wondering why I would throw away bread for no reason.) Then later that night after dinner I saw it on the counter again, and told her, and she didn't care at all. So as I was making this cake they wanted me to bake, I knew I wasn't doing it alone. Being careful where I stepped, I was watching for the little bugger! Then Aida came over to the kitchen to see how I was doing and she saw the mouse on the counter with her own eyes this time! THEN she decided that it was important enough to set out what they call 'Cat Paper.' Which is really sticky paper and what is pictured above with the mouse caught on it while it was trying to prance around on the counter again. It's actually really cute! But in 3 days we caught 8 mice. One was the mom, and Edwin said that if I see another mouse in the house, he'd give me $100!! haha. So I'm keeing my eyes peeled for sure!

Then yesterday I donated blood. It all went well, but it was an experience for sure! There was a blood drive at the Spanish Institute 2 blocks from my house. Now this is full of English students learning Spanish, so I just assumed it would be in English...WRONG! When I got there, not one of the actual students that go to that school were there donating. SO... I got the survey sheet, and it was all in Spanish! It was so funny trying to figure out what disease it asked me if I had, and then wondering if the right answer is 'Yes' or 'No'. Because you know how they mix it up so that they see if you are acutally reading the question? Anyways. I got through it, and the nurse looked at it and on one questions I thought I was being so smart by checking 'Yes' because I thought i asked me if: 'I believed my blood was okay to give to those that are sick.', but I guess I didn't understand the question because the nurse just had me change my answer, haha. So, I hope I filled the form out right so that I can save a Tico's life! The acutal donating process went fine, and I was good to go in less than 10 minutes! It was fun to do! And I got a free bag with a lunch in it, and this great coffee mug! It says, "Today I saved a life! Today I donated blood!" I'm a hero!!
thats awesome...funny too that you gave blood because Jason and Brenton and maybe a couple of my other friends and I were planning on going tommorrow to give blood. Hopefully our questionaire will be easier to fill out, and hopefully the whole giving part will go just as smoothly. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous about it. I love your stories...keep 'em coming!
ps. wasn't it you that built the mouse escape trap in the trailer that one year? maybe you could try that again!
hehe, well it wasn't me that built it, but i was part of that fun extravaganza! and you should donate!! don't be nervous! just allow yourself time to rest afterwards!
ANNIE! Okay so I have been reading your blog faithfully but haven't taken the thirty seconds it takes to tell you how excited I am that you are sharing your adventures with us. I absolutely love your blog and it makes the the sun shine a little brighter knowing you're out there living your life to the fullest. So... I'm still thinking of coming to visit - you make it look pretty good ... You are one fantastic girl. Live it up ~jen.
Oh my gosh...I can't believe how brave you are with that mouse. I probably would have died forsure! I am sooo afraid of mice it's not even funny. I don't know how you did it.
well, by the time you get home you will be used to mice huh?!!! that is really funny! we have had an infestation in our house this year. i think we have taken our land back though! MAN I MISS YOU!!!
You're my hero annie! haha. 8 mice eh...yikes! i'm going to tell carissa that (she has a phobia). hehe. Way to save a life. (actually i heard it's 3 lives) YOU SAVED THREE LIVES! yipee
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