Okay, so a little update!
I moved across town, I now live in San Francisco, great hey? haha. Just a part of San Jose. I am living with a great family who has housed students who go to the Christian Institute that teaches Spanish (3 blocks away) for 20 years or so. I am probably going to live here for a couple months or so, we'll see how it all goes. The woman's name is Aida (Ida), and her husband's name is Edwind (I think?) and their son lives here too and his name is Carlos. In this culutre, you live at your house with your parents until you are married. That is why Carlos still lives here, and he is 30 years old. They have two other daughters. One is married and has two CUTE little girls who come over every now and then. And the other isn't married, but moved out and broke the rules! haha. I will get a picture up of my host family soon I hope. I don't want to be the creeper who takes pictures of them all the time, haha. But Aida and Edwind are SO patient with me. She speaks reallly slow so I can understand, and corrects me as I talk to her. Last night she came into my room, and sat on my bed and just talked to me for 45 minutes, it was so great! She's going to take me shopping sometime she said. She also makes me 3 WONDERFUL meals a day (always rice and black beans!! mmmm!), and she will also do my laundry!! So funny how different cultures are. So that's where I am living now. I like it very well. There is also a family in the guest house in back who attend the Institute and are learning Spanish. God has called them to be missionaries in Paraguay once they learn Spanish. They were missionaries in the Phillipines for 25 years. It will be so nice to have them here for sure.
Here are a couple pictures of my room.
I moved across town, I now live in San Francisco, great hey? haha. Just a part of San Jose. I am living with a great family who has housed students who go to the Christian Institute that teaches Spanish (3 blocks away) for 20 years or so. I am probably going to live here for a couple months or so, we'll see how it all goes. The woman's name is Aida (Ida), and her husband's name is Edwind (I think?) and their son lives here too and his name is Carlos. In this culutre, you live at your house with your parents until you are married. That is why Carlos still lives here, and he is 30 years old. They have two other daughters. One is married and has two CUTE little girls who come over every now and then. And the other isn't married, but moved out and broke the rules! haha. I will get a picture up of my host family soon I hope. I don't want to be the creeper who takes pictures of them all the time, haha. But Aida and Edwind are SO patient with me. She speaks reallly slow so I can understand, and corrects me as I talk to her. Last night she came into my room, and sat on my bed and just talked to me for 45 minutes, it was so great! She's going to take me shopping sometime she said. She also makes me 3 WONDERFUL meals a day (always rice and black beans!! mmmm!), and she will also do my laundry!! So funny how different cultures are. So that's where I am living now. I like it very well. There is also a family in the guest house in back who attend the Institute and are learning Spanish. God has called them to be missionaries in Paraguay once they learn Spanish. They were missionaries in the Phillipines for 25 years. It will be so nice to have them here for sure.
Here are a couple pictures of my room.
It is the biggest room in the house that they rent out. I am the only renter, so therefore, I got to pick my room. it is a room right off of the living room, and it has french doors that open up to my room.
This is what you would walk in to, except this picture is taken from the study room. The actual door to the living room is right to the right. Nice space, and a big closet ( I need that!!)
This is my study. No lights are on, and it looks kind of enchanted!! Well it is! ;) I have to pull the shades when I use my computer, because otherwise people will get ideas that they can borrow it, forever. haha.

You can see in the picture above this little room off to the left in back. It is an air flow room. All the houses are built RIGHT next to eachother, with no space in between, so they have these rooms that have windows (as you can see up top, they're green), so that rooms can have air coming into them. The window straight ahead is Carlos' room, he need's fresh air too! And the 3 windows to the right open into the bathroom.
So that's my living situation as of now. I will put up more pics in a little bit.
Until later! Bye for now and many blessings oh you all!
SO good to hear about and see pictures about everything going on at your trip!! It's really bringing me back to last year at this time when I was in Spain. Dad just brought that up to me- Last year at this time Mom, Dad and I would have just bargained our way into a bullfight (I did the bargaining as mom and dad stood back to watch it happen:)). But how exciting that now you are in the opposite direction of Spain studying and learning Spanish in a whole new world- Enjoy every moment!! Soak up the spanish but don't be too hard on yourself. - I have your little picture and magnet right in front of my stove so I think of you every time I cook which is daily. Today Nolan and I went to Open Door church with Britty and Damien and then had them over for lunch afterward. It was so funny- The guys sat at the table chatting while Britty and I made a wholesome meal of pancakes, bacon, breakfast potatoes and banana muffins. It was fun to have them over and they stayed until 3pm!! It was long time to talk and just be in communion with eachother. The past few sermons at church have been about slowing down life and wasting time with God so that's what I've been trying to do on Sunday's along with every day for a while. It's not easy when there's so much to do but it's worth it- Have fun !!! Breonna Bachman
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I'm thinking that if I were you I'd be pretty thankful for those air flow rooms! Your room looks soo great, and you get your laundry done for you...you've got it made! I'm glad that you are still having an awesome time! Love you lots!
Hey Annie,
I love where you are living and I am so glad because it seems like you will really have a family away from home. Have a good day,
love Jenn
Hi Annie E!
We wish we could study in your study! hehe. Your space looks super cute! We want to be there with you, even if it means we have to live in that space between the houses outside of Carlos' window! We love you and miss you sooo much!
Erin and Wee
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