This week has just been the week of outings! One of my favorites was on Wednesday, Aida took me with her to...well I don't even know exactly what city or anything, but it was a 5 minute bus ride, and a 25 minute walk to this hospital to get a prescription refilled. I saw probably the poorest part of the city this day, along with the prettiest. It was a super hot day, and I got a little sunburn on my nose...I love it!! The sun is super strong here, because we are at 3,000 feet altitude. And this is the 'weak' season for the sun, YIKES! And then we also walked through a couple plazas, and one of the national parks that's right in the middle of the city. These things were so pretty. Here is a picture of one of the plazas below. There are palm trees everywhere, so pretty. And some of the 'wild' flowers are hibiscus and orchids!! I love them! Pretty exciting week, I'm so grateful that Aida likes to bring me places and show me really pretty and "Costa Rican" things!

After we got the prescriptions filled, and saw the sites, we hopped on a bus for the way home. It costs C110 (which is 110 Colones). So the money is different, and I'm just getting used to it. So I picked it out myself and showed Aida to make sure I had it right, and she nodded in agreeance. We get on the bus, and Aida hands the bus driver her money, and it doesn't look like mine, but I followed and tried to hand the driver my money, and he just shook his head and waved me through. So I just thought that Aida had paid for me or something...? So we sat down, and the bus driver starts talking and talking, and I kinda picked up on what he was talking about. Aida turned to me and said..."we both paid, right?" And in my horrible Spanish I tried to explain to her that he waved me through, and I thought that she paid for me. She said she didn't, so anyways to make a really long story short, the WHOLE BUS thought I was trying to get a free ride. How embarrassing! It was his fault! I really did try to pay!! Oh , well, my concience is cleared at least, and I did pay my way for the ride! haha.

Then here, I was supposed to be studying probably, because my tutor was on her way over, but who can resist this adorable little girl? It is Edwind and Aida's granddaughter, her name is Diana. She talks and talks and talks, much of it too fast for me to understand, so I just tickle her and get this massive giggle out of her! She had these gummy strawberries covered in sugar, and let me try one, and I told her I didn't like it. And Aida told me that she told her, "I don't know why Annie doesn't like these, they are my FAVORITE!" We got to color pictures and play cards too. She's such a doll!
1 comment:
Oh Annie! I just love hearing your stories. I would have been so worried and so confused and so embarrased all at the same time if that bus incident happened to me. Makes for a good laugh though! Keep us posted on prayer requests too though eh? I'd love to know what to specifically pray for for you. (bad sentence, but you get the idea)Love to see that smile on your face! Love you!
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