Today I spent the evening with two of the funnest girls I've met here!! haha. These girls are the host families granddaugthers, the little one is Diana, 3, and Daniella, 7, is the bigger one. Both of these girls go to a Spanish/ English school and know how to have a ton of fun! It's so funny how they don't really understand that I don't know a lot of Spanish, so they just talk and talk and talk! Super fast and with a lot of expression too! They come over about once or twice week. The first thing they do is go right for my room for my markers and colored pencils! Then they I whip out my paper, and we just color away in my room (hence the pictures)! Diana usually finds my scissors, and ends up with a picture the size of her palm, but she likes it that way and I can teach her how to cut with them.
Today I went out in the living room to watch the Disney channel (in Spanish....yikes!), and an add for High School Musical came on. Because we all LOVE that movie, we all started dancing and singing to it. They're so fun, and I could sing with them because they knew the song in English!! So since I was on an English kick, I started asking them questions and talking to them in English. You should have seen the look on their faces!! PriceLess! The best was that I didn't realize it, until I thought about and wondered how I was talking so fast, and why they look so confused. We all laughed pretty hard. And I was kind of embarrassed!
Sometimes I wonder when people are going to stop pretending not to know English and just start talking to me so that I can understand completely. So in return I can say exactly what I am thinking at the pace I am thinking. Haha, but truth of the matter is: They don't know English, and that is that!!
I'm so glad that you put pictures of them up! I wondering when i was going to get to see Diana and Danielle... hehe. I wish that I could come and have a full-on English conversation with you! Miss you friend!
I can't believe their names are Diana and Daniella!!
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