Well, this week has flown by!!
Exactly a week ago we were preparing to land in Peru.
I actually didn't know how I was going to get through the "goodbyes" to be honest.
I tried to take them lightly, but when I was alone is when the tears really showed.
I told my mom there was no crying allowed at the airport - to be honest if I let myself cry even a little, I know that it wouldn't be just a little.
The rule kinda worked...
My mom, sister and niece all woke up early to bring me to the airport. There wasn't school that day, so they all could come.
Quiet ride to the airport, stomach turning, super excited, super sad, and kinda nervous.
After the crazy check-in (see "Recounting" Post below) and
rejoicing because all my bags were underweight (!!) I now had to think about these dreadful goodbyes.
My lovely friend Amanda showed up with her 3 kiddos right after my check-in!! What a friend to get up early, and get those kids ready to get out the door and be at the airport by around 7:45, amazing!! (
See Amanda's Blog here)
Since my flight was rerouted I had to get through security a 1/2 hour earlier than thought. That cut down the goodbye time (and my last Starbucks!). So we took some pictures together:
my sister, me, my mama & myli :)

amanda and myself!
amanda's beautiful & wonderful family!
(this family [missing Amanda's husband] has been my 2nd family during my transition to move to Peru while still in Minneapolis - so grateful for them all!]
myli and addie bonding early in the morning = cuties!!
After pics was a time of prayer (thank you Amanda, dear friend) and the hugs and best wishes.
It went well I thought, my heart was heavy on my next flight, but got to talk/text above mentioned loved ones during my layover before my flight leaving the US.
Nothing like loooooooong MN goodbyes ;)
Thank you to friends from Small Group, Former Roommates, Work Friends, Friends and Family for the sweet goodbye parties and get-togethers.
Miss you all already.