12 December, 2011

Counting Down...

Hello visitors!

Many of you are here because of the postcards that I sent out, thank you for checking out my blog :)
Like I wrote, I will attempt to post occasionally for those that are interested in my endeavors in South America as a teacher, helping in the NorOeste church, and all of the other hats I will wear as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ living and working abroad as an American in PerĂº.

Because I am not being sent out by a particular church or Missions organization (those days will come, Lord willing!!), I am being welcomed by the NorOeste church as a resident missionary.  I will be working alongside Peruvians down there both in vocation --praise the Lord for provision for a paying job!-- and in the church.  Both done equally in the name of Jesus.

May the Lord be glorified in calling me to South America again.
My heart is overjoyed to live and work alongside people that I know, respect, and already love.

Please keep me in your prayers that our Father may sustain me by His strength alone.
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness!"


I leave you now wanting to give you all some more detail
about the photos that were on the prayer post card I sent out:
This is me in front of the school I will teach at.
 I will teach between 3-4 classes/week, and likely teach Advanced English 
(because I am a Native speaker).
This is the beautiful family that offered me a place to live while I am in PerĂº!  
Gabi (13), Olenka, Fabi (3), Pastor Marco
This is a picture of the front of the sanctuary from the inside of the church 
--it's the Alliance church symbol. 
I will post about the history of this church one day.  
Pastor Marco (my future host dad) is the head Pastor, and truly a man of God.
This is a group of the "Youth"** that I will be working with while serving in the church.
**"Youth" is really anywhere from 13 to 30 ----
--- so it is like young adults, youth, and adolescents all grouped together.
(This is a pic from when they threw me a goodbye party when I left 
after my visit (of just 2 weeks!) in March - I LOVE THEM!)
This is a picture of a cross that is in the middle of a round-about.
I can't take credit for this great shot!
Despite its professional look, my good friend Danielle snapped it out of the van window -- she's really got that photographic gift!! :)

Thank you for reading - Many blessings on you all during this CHRISTmas season.