18 August, 2009

back to blogging...again?

Hello one and all!
I never thought I would return to blogging again, but I have never deleted my blog, so I just thought, hey, why don't I post again!

I haven't blogged since my life was a bit more "exciting." I put that in quotes, because that was what I believed was true and why I haven't blogged in so long; but the more I think about it... the more I just realize that my life is plenty exciting now! :)

I've been really pondering this "exciting" thing, and the Lord is really showing me that there are small "exciting" things that happen in and throughout each and everyday, and one doesn't have to travel the world, or write a book, or win the lottery to live an "exciting" life; taking joy in the small things that He puts in your day is more exciting than anything because it is He who put them there. And quite frankly, it's SUPER amazing that the Lord even does anything in anyone's life, let alone mine!
He is so gracious, so patient, so loving. What a good God we serve.

I'm just going to put up a few pics from this past summer.
I go to school again for one last year.

Park Time with my 4 year old niece Myli!
She is a serious joy in my life, and she sure keeps my life exciting!

Pics w/ friends from Lexi's wedding: