My oldest sister Nikki got married to my new brother Mike!! They got married on the North Shore, and it was beautiful!! It was just family, so small, but amazing. It was so wonderful to have all the family back together again!! I loved getting time to catch up with all my siblings, and to see my neices and nephew and how they have all grown!! That's when I know I'm missing out on time, because they grow up so fast!! But they are super adorable!

I also got the opportunity to go to my best friends wedding in Ontario!! I was a bridesmaid, and it was a privlidge to stand for her on that day! Sarah and Andrew got married May 5th, but I got to spend the whole week with them before the wedding. We drove down to Niagra Falls one day, and they are very beautiful! It was a great time to catch up from lost time, and to celebrate with them on their special day!

I rode home with a group that drove out from Minnesota/Manitoba to go to Sarah's wedding. We made a pit stop in Toronto, which was really fun, and also stopped at Niagra Falls (again!!). That gave us ample time to catch up being it was a 17 hour drive home, but it was well worth it!

Everyday that I was home home, in Monticello, I got to see my cute neice Myli!! She's growing up sooooo fast, and talking soooo much!! She now says my name, and calls me by it!! I love it!

Running everywhere to see friends was part of the trip, but a great part at that!! The little amount of time that I had with everyone was cherished sooo much!! Everyone was so encouraging, and happy to seem me too, it was wonderful!