One last road trip up to Briercrest for alumni weekend was a nice way to start a lot of goodbyes that are going to be said.
I was so blessed to see SO many faces while visiting school,
it was a 12 hour drive well worth it.
Here are just a few picks of the fun times had!
oh Canada!
the land of celcius, kilometers, highways, Tim Horton's,
perogies, touques, twoonies, northern lights and FUN!
my right hand gal~
this trip proved to WeeWee and me that we have kindered spirits.
i love her so much!
i think it's safe to say i left a part of me on the prairies.
one big hang out after a wicked hockey game!
quality time spent on the hall with the girls!
a must for the weekend was to sit in on a chapel!
i loved getting to sit by Sarah and Ambie during chapel, just like old times ;)
distance has no pull on this friendship;
we decided we'd be friends for always...
I was so blessed to see SO many faces while visiting school,
it was a 12 hour drive well worth it.
Here are just a few picks of the fun times had!

the land of celcius, kilometers, highways, Tim Horton's,
perogies, touques, twoonies, northern lights and FUN!

this trip proved to WeeWee and me that we have kindered spirits.
i love her so much!

i loved getting to sit by Sarah and Ambie during chapel, just like old times ;)

we decided we'd be friends for always...
It was so wonderful to see everyone again.
Thanks to each and every person for the friend you are to me.
God has used all of you to speak into my life, and bring me to where I am today...
and for that I am forever grateful.
so this is until we all get to hang out again...remember:'s not's God bless~